Episode 20: Kidnapped in London - A Sun Yat-Sen Story

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Sun Yat-Sen (孙中山) is regarded today by both the PRC (People's Republic of China) and the ROC (Republic of China) as the founder of the modern nation. He was the first to break the imperial system, and set a path for something new and revolutionary.

However, before he was the founder of the nation, he was simply a failed revolutionary, with a head full of ideas. Perhaps one of his most famous stories from these early days is when he was 'Kidnapped' by agents of the Qing empire while in London.

Join us as we discuss Dr Sun Yat-Sen, his early life, his kidnapping, and how he might not really have been cut out for the revolutionary life.

Kidnapped in London By Sun Yet-sen: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Kidnapped_in_London/6VQuAAAAYAAJ?hl=en


Episode 21: Everyone Loves Yuan Shikai


Episode 19: Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy